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Character Creation

  1. Choose a Species
    Species are the types of creatures that occupy the Mushroom Kingdom. A character's Species modifies their Stats, adds extra Skill Specialisations, and provides many other traits.
    For more options, consider looking at the Species Compendium!

  2. Get Your Stats
    At level 1, you begin play with a 1 in Heart, Spirit and Courage, plus the advantages of your Species.
    Then, you can choose one of those stats to receive another +1 boost, representing your character's unique personal qualities.

  3. Assign your Skills
    All Skills fall under the umbrella of one Stat – for example, Athletics is a Heart Skill, while Notice is a Spirit Skill.
    During character creation, your Stats receive varying Skill Points and Skill Specialisations to further customise your character.
    a. Choose one Stat's Skills to receive +4 Skill Points and +2 Skill Specialisations.
    b. Then, choose a second Stat's Skills to receive +3 Skill Points and +1 Skill Specialisation.
    c. Finally, the remaining Stat's Skills receive +2 Skill Points and +1 Skill Specialisation.

  4. Define your Skill Specialisations
    While Skills are broad general capabilities for your character, Specialisations are the specific things they excel in.
    Your Specialisations are up to you to define. You can even assign Specialisations to Skills you otherwise don't have any points in!
    But as a general rule, they shouldn't be so vague that they always apply, or so specific that they rarely make a difference.

  5. Design your Techniques
    Your Techniques are the special moves that help your character excel in combat. Usually these are straightforward attacks, but you can customise them to be as complex as you wish.
    You begin play with two Techniques. It is recommended that you have at least one Technique that costs 0 FP, so that you always have a basic attack option.

  6. Fill up your pockets
    Finally, you start with 100 Coins (or more or less, depending on your campaign) to spend on Items, Power-Ups, Gear and Badges. Items, Power-Ups and Gear of all sizes occupy one of your 10 inventory slots, while Badges are small enough to not take up space – but the Badges you can actually equip and use at the same time will be restricted by your BP.

When you're choosing your skills, it's important to consider what the other players in your group can and can't do. That way when they run into trouble, you'll be ready to lend a helping hand

It's okay if your character concept isn't fully formed to begin with! As you read on you might find some interesting content that you want to work in, or during play you might pick up a Badge you hadn't considered working with. The joy of roleplay is finding new directions to take your character!

Don't stress too much about getting the right Items or Badges right out of the gate – you might find it easier to just jump in with nothing but the clothes on your back and the Coins in your pocket. You can always go shopping once you know what you're dealing with – or make do with what you can find!

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This is a mirror of Paper Story's ruleset and is based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Paper Story TTRPG team.