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Star Power

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Players can call on the favour of the Stars to get one up on the competition.

By default, all players can have up to 10 SP at a time, but they begin each session with 0. Players can share their SP with one another at-will, as long as they're nearby.

In addition to fuelling certain rare and powerful artifacts, SP can be used on the following special abilities:

Try Again

By spending 5 SP during a check, the Stars can smile on you and give you a second chance! When you do this, you can pick up and re-roll any of your dice, as you see fit.
You can even use this ability before Critical Failures trigger!
You can use this ability as often as you like during a check.

Exceptional Effort

By spending 5 SP after making a check, you can use exceptional effort!
You receive an additional Grade of Success on this check.
You can boost the same check multiple times, as long as you have enough SP to spend.

Second Wind

By spending 5 SP as an action, you can get a second wind! You can roll 2d6; then you can convert each die into HP or FP (your choice on each die) and recover that amount.
You can make multiple recovery attempts in the same action, as long as you have enough SP to spend.


By spending SP as an action, you can improvise a Technique on the fly!
Spend 5 SP or more and specify the Technique you want to use.
It can include:

  • 1 of your Tech Default sets; as per usual, this doesn't affect the effective FP cost.
  • Any applicable Optional and Required Tech Defaults you have; Required Tech Defaults must be included, as per usual, and neither affect the effective FP cost.
  • Up to one unique positive and up to one unique negative Technique Trait for every 5 SP you spent.
    You can add on Traits already included as a Tech Default, but otherwise can't repeat Traits.
    If the Trait can be taken multiple times and was added here, you can include up to one copy for every 5 SP spent.

The final effective FP cost can't be worth more than ½ the SP spent, so you may have to take on some negative Traits too!
Keep in mind when using Technique Traits that include other Traits in their cost (such as Coin Toss), all the included Traits must be accounted for through SP.
Finally, you use and resolve the Technique! You don't spend any FP or even roll for it. The improvised Technique's effectiveness depends entirely on how much SP you spend, with its Primary and Secondary Checks automatically earning a Grade of Success each for every 5 SP you spent.
Finally, no matter what, your improvised Technique can't restore HP, FP or SP.
Whatever you improvise, it has to make sense and be something your character could reasonably accomplish; but other than that, the sky's the limit!

Example: A Dash of Inspiration

A Pianta is confronted by a gang of flying Lakitus! With their Goomba ally KO'd, and no Aerial or Ranged Techniques, he has no choice but to run – or so it would seem.
By spending 10 SP, the Pianta can improvise a truly impressive Technique!
They include Strong as a Tech Default, then add two additional Traits from their SP – Ranged, and Strike-Through.
The end result is a Technique with Strong, Ranged and Strike-Through x2 (which is added twice, because of the SP spent). This would normally have an effective FP cost of 4 FP, barely less than the 5 FP limit they had to work with!
With a mighty shotput hurl, they launch the Goomba through as many Lakitus as possible!

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This is a mirror of Paper Story's ruleset and is based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Paper Story TTRPG team.