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While all the peoples of the Mushroom Kingdom are wildly different, their advantages are roughly alike. Every Species looks something like this:

Species Name

A description of the Species and how they fit into the world. These descriptions are simple and general, and do not define individual members of their Species.

Stat Modifiers
Base Power & Defense

The Skill Specialisations and other Traits that make denizens of that Species more capable.
Some Traits, like Immune, will be described in more detail like this.

The Traits that a character of that Species have to deal with that are generally less desirable.
  Some Traits, like Weakness, will be described in more detail like this.

Other Traits
Any other qualities the species has that may not fit neatly into a Pro or a Con go here in one large block underneath Pros and Cons.
Most often this is for Species with a State Trait, which grants them contextual bonuses/penalties.

Tech Defaults
Sets of Technique Traits a character of that Species can include when they start designing a Technique, without affecting its cost.
Multiple instances of a Trait are listed as "Trait x2", "Trait x3", and so on.
Each Technique can only benefit from one set of Tech Defaults without affecting its cost at a time.
Each set of Tech Defaults is set apart by colour and by line.Each Trait in a set is set apart by commas.

Example Tech 1
Example Tech 2, 2nd part of Tech 2
Example Tech 3

Any Required or Optional effects are listed underneath, and can (or must) be taken in addition to Tech Defaults.

Example Techniques
An example of a Technique a character of this Species might use, assuming they have 1 Power and not accounting for their level limit on negative Traits.
Includes potential outcomes and skills required for Primary and Secondary checks.

Example (X FP)
Primary Check
Secondary Check
Includes potential outcomes and skills required for Primary and Secondary checks.
The traits used to make this Technique are shown here

Some of the more commonly adventurous folk of the Mushroom Kingdom are listed here; it is however far from all the available options, as the Mushroom Kingdom and its surrounds are huge and incredibly diverse.

For some of the rarer Species, or those less inclined to adventure – from Toads to Chomps to Piantas – refer to the Species Compendium.


Bob-Ombs are demolitions experts. As much as it confuses people, Bob-Ombs suffer no ill effects from blowing themselves up, and many seem to relish the act. Despite this they are rarely violent and often even-tempered.

+1 Heart, +1 Spirit
1 Power, 1 Defense

+ Athletics (Explode)
+ Crafts (Demolition)
  or + Crafts (Explosives)
+ Crafts (Repairs)
Immune (Poison)
1 Resist (Ice)
Construct (Lifelike)

Weakness (Blast, Fire)
You take +2 damage and detonate harmlessly, leaving you completely Stunned (6) for the next 2 turns.

Tech Defaults

Optional: Element (Blast) on attacks, or Element (Blast) and Variant (Athletics - Primary Only) on Indirect attacks

Example Techniques

Quick Blast (0 FP)
Quickly detonates to blast foes away.
Athletics (+Explode):
Nice!: 4 DMG
Element (Blast), Indirect, Variant (Athletics), Strong, Commitment

Bob-Ombast (8 FP)
A powerful explosion that blasts everything away – including your allies.
Athletics (+Explode):
Auto: 2 DMG
Nice!: 4 DMG
Good!: 6 DMG
Great!: 8 DMG
Wonderful!: 10 DMG
Excellent!: 12 DMG
Element (Blast), Scaling x2, Variant (Athletics), All (Indirect), Strong


The origins of Boos are shrouded in mystery. What is known for sure though is they're ghosts with a penchant for trickery. While most are reclusive, few Boos can resist a good scare.

+2 Spirit
1 Power, 0 Defense

+ Trickery (Dodge)
+ Knowhow (Lore)
+ Bully (Surprises)
Immune (Fear, Poison)
Immune (Shadow)
You recover HP equal to the attack's damage (minimum 1 HP).
If there's any excess HP, your Attack is Boosted (1) for a number of turns equal to the excess HP.
Clone (Illusions)
Undead (Lifelike)

Weakness (Life Magic, Sudden Light, Stars)
Any HP you would normally recover is treated as damage instead; then, you take double damage.
If this Technique wouldn't usually deal damage, it deals 2 Piercing damage.
You're left Dazed (1) for a number of turns equal to the damage taken.

Tech Defaults
Boost (Dodge)
Element (Shadow)
Fear x2
Secure (Intangible)

Optional: Element (Shadow) on Indirect or Ranged Techniques

Example Techniques

Frightening Smack (0 FP)
A spooky backhand terrifies the foe, causing them to either flee or cower in fear.
Nice!: 1 DMG
Good!: 2 DMG
Bully (+Surprises):
Nice!: Stun (1) for 4 turns
Good!: Stun (2) for 4 turns
Great!: Stun (3) for 4 turns
Wonderful!: Stun (4) for 4 turns
Fear x4, Unwieldy

Outta Sight (0 FP)
Hides you and your allies away from attacks.
Trickery (+Evade):
Nice!: Become Secure for one turn.
Secure, Allies, Harmless


Dayzees are quiet and soft-spoken sorts, which is fitting given their soothing lullabies. While they may be quick to flee, their strength of character is undeniable, and their voices are breathtaking.

+2 Courage or +1 Spirit, +1 Courage
1 Power, 0 Defense

+ Athletics (Run)
+ Cheer (FP)
+ Perform (Sing)
Immune (Water)
You heal 5 HP instead.
1 Resist (Earth, Shock)

Weakness (Fear)
The Level and Duration of all Statuses you suffer associated with fear are doubled.
Weakness (Fire)
You take +2 damage and suffer from a Lingering (1) burn, lasting a number of turns equal to the damage taken.

Tech Defaults
Daze x2
Variant (Perform)

Optional: Split on Flowery Techniques
Optional: Element (Earth) on melee attacks

Example Techniques

Pollen Pounder (0 FP)
An aggressive headbutt rife with pollen puts foes to sleep.
Auto: 1 Earth DMG
Nice!: 2 Earth DMG
Nice!: Daze (1) for 2 turns
Good!: Daze (2) for 2 turns
Daze x2, Element (Earth)

Lullaby (3 FP)
Targeted singing puts the target to sleep while dealing damage.
Perform (+Sing):
Good!: 4 DMG
Perform (+Sing):
Nice!: Daze (1) for 3 turns
Good!: Daze (2) for 3 turns
Great!: Daze (3) for 3 turns
Daze x3, Ranged, Strong, Variant (Perform) x2, Commitment (Primary), Unwieldy


Underdogs by nature, Goombas have a lot of guts and a lot to prove. Whether it's bonking heads or hitting the books, Goombas strive to better themselves constantly.

+1 Heart, +1 Courage
1 Power, 0 Defense

+ Athletics (Jump)
+ Knowhow (Battle)
+ Cheer (Aggression)

Weakness (Aerial, Crushing)
The Level and Duration of all Statuses you suffer from these attacks are doubled.

Tech Defaults
Boost (Any)

Example Techniques

Headbonk (0 FP)
A double-tapping aerial strike, made with the head.
Athletics (+Jump):
Auto: 1 DMG Nice!: 1 DMG x2

Charge (2 FP)
Focus you power for 4 turns.
Cheer (+Aggression):
Nice!: +1 Attack for 4 turns
Good!: +2 Attack for 4 turns
Great!: +3 Attack for 4 turns
Wonderful!: +4 Attack for 4 turns
Boost (Attack) x4, Self, Harmless


Koopas are fit and easygoing. Though cowardice is often in their nature, they can be quite formidable when push comes to shove.
Often associated with Bowser's armies in the past, these days there are many peace-loving Koopas in the Mushroom Kingdom.

+2 Heart
1 Power, 1 Defense

+ Athletics (Shells)
  or + Athletics (Swim)
+ Guard (Melee)
+ Steady (VS Weaken)
1 Resist (Water)

Weakness (Aerial, Blast, Quake)
You are flipped over; you retain your Defense against Aerial and Blast attacks initially, but otherwise your Defense is negated for the duration. This leaves you completely Stunned (6) for the next 2 turns.

Tech Defaults
Boost (Defense)

Optional: Variant (Athletics - Primary Only) on Indirect attacks

Example Techniques

Shell Toss (0 FP)
Hits one target in melee with your shell.
Athletics (+Shells):
Auto: 1 DMG
Nice!: 2 DMG
Indirect, Variant (Athletics)

Shell Shield (3 FP)
Bolsters the target's Defense with a borrowed shell.
Nice!: +1 Defense for 4 turns
Good!: +2 Defense for 4 turns
Great!: +3 Defense for 4 turns
Wonderful!: +4 Defense for 4 turns
Boost (Defense) x4, Harmless (Indirect)


Squeeks are crafty little mice. Their keen noses and beady little eyes lead many to lives of crime, but their small stature and their potent senses keep them from getting into any serious trouble.

+1 Spirit, +1 Courage
1 Power, 0 Defense

+ Notice (Scent)
+ Trickery (Stealth or Theft)
+ Persuade (Smooth Talk)
Immune (Charm)

Weakness (Scent)
The Level and Duration of all Statuses you suffer from scent-based sources are doubled.

Tech Defaults
Confuse x2
Snatch Variant (Trickery)

Example Techniques

Tricky Slap (0 FP)
Slaps an enemy, ignoring defense.
Auto: 1 Piercing DMG
Nice!: 1 Piercing DMG x2

Tricky Thief (0 FP)
Steals an item from the target.
Trickery (+Theft):
Choose one option based on your Grades of Success.
Nice!: 1d6 Coins, +1d6 per Grade of Success
Nice!: A small Item
Good!: A large Item
Great!: An equipped Item
Snatch, Empower, Harmless

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This is a mirror of Paper Story's ruleset and is based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Paper Story TTRPG team.