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Adventures and battles can take place in a wide variety of locations, under any number of conditions. Some of the common varieties are listed here, but this list and the effects attributed to each Terrain are by no means exhaustive.

Usually, all parties in battle are impacted by the Terrain, but it's possible through circumstance or Techniques for just a small area to be impacted.
In this case, whenever characters affected would move or swap spaces under their own power, they can choose to move the Terrain instead, even moving it out of their group entirely – in which case it's no longer involved in the battle.

Multiple Terrains may even be considered active at once in the same area, as long as they don't contradict each other; for instance, the weather in an area can't be both a Gale and a Heatwave.

Just like Status Effects, Terrain can appear in a variety of different levels. If the level of a Terrain isn't specified, assume it's at Terrain Level 1.
Replace references to [X] in Terrain effects with the Terrain Level.

Finally, note that if both a Pro and a Con of a Terrain would apply in a given situation, the Con takes priority.



Characters with appropriate Notice specialisations (e.g. Dark Places, Scent) ignore the dark's effects on their skill checks.

Characters can negate the effects of darkness on themselves (and on attacks targeting them) by keeping a light source close at hand, though the darker it gets, the stronger a light they'll need. Strong enough light can negate the effects of darkness entirely, effectively dismissing the Terrain.


Light Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Trickery checks to hide in the shadows receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.


Primary Checks for all Techniques used from here or against characters here require [X] additional Grades of Success.

Notice checks to look around in the dark require [X] additional Grades of Success; without an appropriate light source, they may even be impossible.



You're positioned somewhere comfortably above the battle, just out of reach. This is typically higher up than standard Elevation or Flying will get you, with more space to stand and cover yourself.

Characters are able to climb up with Athletics as an action, as long as their surroundings would allow it and they achieve at least [X] Grades of Success.

Otherwise, characters may only be able to reach with appropriate Techniques, or by using their surroundings wisely.


Characters here are treated as if they're elevated, as with the Elevation Trait.

Aerial Techniques on targets down below have +[X] Attack on the first strike, though as normal the attacker forfeits their elevation.

Air and Quake attacks used against characters here receive +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Guard and Trickery checks to resist attacks from below (besides Air and Quake) receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.

Melee attacks may even be impossible, depending on the surroundings.


Failing a Steady check to stay elevated causes you to take [X] damage when you fall back down.



The wind whips around you relentlessly, threatening to carry light targets up, up and away.


Air, Ice and Shock Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Characters here who would recover HP from Air attacks (e.g. Aeromental creatures) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.


Fire and Water Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Steady checks to keep your footing here require [X] additional Grades of Success.

Characters with Weakness (Air) must hold their ground against the gale at the end of each turn, requiring a Steady check versus Disorientation at Status Level [X], lasting for [X] turns. This suffers the same penalty as other Steady checks.



The wind whips around you relentlessly, threatening to carry light targets up, up and away.


Poison and Water Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Characters here who would recover HP from Poison attacks (e.g. Piranha Plants) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.


Earth and Fire Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters vulnerable to poison in contact with it suffer a Lingering Poison while in contact with the goop, at Status Level [X].
This Status lasts as long as the character remains in contact with the goop, can't have its duration lowered with Steady, and its Status Level doesn't decrease over time; instead, it increases each turn the character stays in contact with the goop.
It continues to last for [X] turns after they leave the goop, but the Status Level will decrease as normal.

Athletics and Coordination checks to run or move around on the ground require [X] additional Grades of Success.

Steady checks to keep your footing require [X] additional Grades of Success.



The heat in the area is overwhelming.

Characters with Immune (Fire) or Resist (Fire) ignore penalties to their skill checks from the heat.


Blast and Fire Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Characters here who would recover HP from Fire attacks (e.g. Bubbles) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.


Ice and Water Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters here who would particularly suffer from the heat (e.g. Blizzards, Dayzees) lose [X] HP at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist.

Athletics checks here require [X] additional Grades of Success due to the sweltering heat.



A pool of molten lava stands in your way!

Airborne or Elevated characters, or characters with Immune (Fire), suffer no penalty here.


Successfully dodging a melee attack here causes the attacker to contact the lava, taking [X] Piercing Fire damage from the lava immediately.

Blast and Fire Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Characters here who would recover HP from Fire attacks (e.g. Bubbles) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.


Ice and Water Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters take [X] Piercing Fire damage at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist. Each continuous turn they stay in the lava, the damage per turn increases by 1.



The plant life in the area grows thickly all around.


Earth Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Fire Techniques used on characters here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Athletics checks to climb around on the plant life receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.

Trickery checks to hide in the foliage receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.


Quake and Shock Techniques used from here or against characters here have –[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have –[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Water Techniques used against characters here have –[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have –[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1)



Heavy rainfall falls from the sky, affecting everyone in the rain. Typically, the rain affects everyone in a battle.

Characters with Aquatic, Immune (Water) or Resist (Water) ignore penalties to their skill checks from the rain.


Air, Shock and Water Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Characters here who would recover HP from Water attacks (e.g. Dayzees) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.

Trickery checks to quietly sneak around in the rain receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.


Blast and Fire Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters here who would particularly suffer from the water (e.g. Bubbles) lose [X] HP at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist.

Steady checks to keep your footing in the rain require [X] additional Grades of Success.



The wind carries an endless stream of sand and dust around you.

Characters with Immune (Earth), Resist (Earth), Immune (Air) or Resist (Air) ignore penalties to their skill checks from the sand.


Air and Earth Techniques used from here have+[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Trickery checks to hide yourself amongst the dust clouds receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.


Fire and Shock Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Magic checks here require [X] additional Grades of Success due to the floating dust impeding your concentration and speech.

Notice checks to look around in the storm require [X] additional Grades of Success; without an appropriate means to pierce through the storm, they may even be impossible.

Characters with Weakness (Earth) or Weakness (Air) lose [X] HP at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist.
All other characters without Immune (Earth), Resist (Earth), Immune (Air) or Resist (Air) lose 1 HP at the end of each turn.



Perilous pointy spikes impede your progress!

Characters with Immune (Spikes) suffer no penalty here.


Grounded characters making Trickery checks to dodge incoming attacks receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted, and successfully dodging a melee attack (without Reach) causes the attacker to take ½ [X] damage from the spikes.


Melee attacks made from here by grounded characters (without Aerial or Reach), or against grounded characters here (without Reach), require [X] additional Grades of Success; on failure, the attacker takes ½ [X] damage from the spikes.



Thick clouds of smoke, fog or other gas blanket the area, making it difficult to see.

Characters with appropriate Notice specialisations (e.g. Fog, Scent) ignore the smog's effects on their skill checks.

Depending on the nature of the smog, strong gusts of wind, scorching hot flame or other effects can dismiss the smog altogether.


Statuses caused by Air Techniques or Lingering Poisons used from here have +[X] level and duration.

Trickery checks to hide in the smog receive +[X]d6, as if Boosted.


Primary Checks for all Techniques from here or used on characters here require [X] additional Grades of Success.

Notice checks to look around in the smog require [X] additional Grades of Success; without an appropriate means to pierce through the smog, they may even be impossible.



A thick blanket of ice and snow covers the ground, and a chill carries through the air.

Characters with Immune (Ice) or Resist (Ice) ignore penalties to their skill checks from the snow.

Depending on the nature of the smog, strong gusts of wind, scorching hot flame or other effects can dismiss the smog altogether.


Ice Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Water Techniques used from here gain the Ice Element, but don't gain further benefits from the snow.

Characters here who would recover HP from Ice attacks (e.g. Blizzards) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.


Fire Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters here who would particularly suffer from the cold (e.g. Bubbles) lose [X] HP at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist.

Athletics and Coordination checks to run or move around on the ground require [X] additional Grades of Success.

Steady checks to keep your footing require [X] additional Grades of Success.



A dangerous electrical field surrounds the battlefield.

Characters with Immune (Shock) or Resist (Shock) ignore penalties to their skill checks from the static.


Shock and Water Techniques used from here or against characters here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Characters here who benefit from electricity (e.g. robots) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn, even if they would normally be affected by Shock Techniques.


Air Techniques used from here or against characters here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters without Immune (Shock) or Resist (Shock) treat their Water Techniques as if they have Blowback.

Characters here who are particularly vulnerable to electricity, and don't otherwise benefit from it (e.g. Cheep Cheeps), lose [X] HP at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist.
All other characters without Immune (Shock) or Resist (Shock) lose 1 HP at the end of each turn.

Heal and Cheer checks to assist yourself or your allies require [X] additional Grades of Success.



Way down below – further down even than ordinary burrowing can get you.

Traveling underground isn't inherently much more dangerous than any other Terrain, but travellers have to be mindful of tremors all around, and there's less movement in the air.

An Underground environment often overlaps with Dark lighting, though that's not necessarily always the case.


Quake Techniques used from here or against characters here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.


Air Techniques used from here have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have –[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).



Diving under the water is like a whole new world, allowing characters to float around freely, though they must take care to avoid drowning.

These effects still apply to characters treading water near the water's surface, though they don't have to hold their breath unless forced under.


Aquatic characters act as if they have the Hover Trait.

Non-Aquatic characters can swim as if they have the Fly Trait, but their Primary Checks require [X] additional Grades of Success while swimming.
Otherwise, they don't necessarily sink to the bottom of the water, but they're not mobile enough to keep up with swimming combatants.

Water Techniques used from here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Shock Techniques used against characters here have +[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have +[X] level and duration.

Aquatic characters who would recover HP from Water attacks (e.g. Aqua creatures) recover 1 HP at the start of each turn.
Non-Aquatic characters don't receive this benefit, regardless of their interaction with Water.


Blast and Fire Techniques used from here, and Water Techniques used against characters here, have -[X] Attack, and Statuses caused by them have -[X] level and duration (to a minimum of 1).

Characters with the Sinker Trait sink to the bottom of the water, and are unable to swim.

Characters can't use their own Fly or Hover Traits while underwater.

Characters who need to breathe air (e.g. non-Aquatic species) can only hold their breath for 1 turn for each point of Heart they have; afterwards, at the end of each round, they must make an Athletics or Steady check to hold their breath and resist a Lingering (1) Status.
This Status lasts as long as the character remains underwater, can't have its duration lowered with Steady, and its Status Level doesn't decrease over time; instead, it increases each turn the character is underwater.
Once the character surfaces, this Status ends completely.

Characters with Weakness (Water) lose [X] HP at the end of each turn, with no chance to resist.
In addition, they can't hold their breath at all without making checks.

Different Terrains call for different strategies! Think carefully about how to take advantage of your environment, and how to get around problems in the field. Even if it's not codified in the Terrain rules, you can find innovative solutions to most any problem.

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