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Grades of Success

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The number of Successes needed for any action is reduced to a shorthand, representing how impressive your actions are. These are referred to as Grades of Success, or just Grades, and vary based on your overall Successes.

  • 0 Successes: Nothing; unless the action can work automatically, it fails.
  • 1 Successes: Nice! 1 Grade of Success.
  • 2 Successes: Good! 2 Grades of Success.
  • 4 Successes: Great! 3 Grades of Success.
  • 6 Successes: Wonderful! 4 Grades of Success.
  • 8 Successes: Excellent! 5 Grades of Success.
  • 10 Successes: Unbelievable! 6 Grades of Success.

Any additional Grades of Success beyond Unbelievable require 2 more Successes at a time.

As a general rule, Nice or Good results are still generally successful, but may suffer other complications, such as taking longer than you'd like or forcing you to make a difficult choice.

Great results are successes with no unforeseen drawbacks. In most circumstances, a Great result is your target.

And Wonderful or greater results are often exceptional, possibly exceeding your expectations.

Opposed Checks

In the event of an opposed check, success is determined by comparing all competing players' rolls. The winner of the check is the player with the most Successes.

In the event of a tie, compare the relevant Stat for each tied player and the highest Stat wins. And if that's still a tie, then either the defender wins, or nothing happens at all, at the GM's option.

Exceptional Results

High rolls are always worthwhile, as the Stars bestow their blessing on exceptional individuals. As long as your check succeeds, Great results earn 1 SP, Wonderful results earn 2 SP, Excellent results earn 5 SP and Unbelievable results earn a whopping 10 SP!

Be mindful though that if you spend, earn or restore any SP during the check, you can't earn any more SP in the process.

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This is a mirror of Paper Story's ruleset and is based on the publicly available PDFs of it. This website isn't in any way affiliated with either Nintendo, or the Paper Story TTRPG team.